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Fun-Sized Thoughts

Whit’s ‘at caad in Scots?

Family Time: Day 5

Posted by Kalie on November 30, 2009

Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving in Scotland!  The day was filled with preparing for our evening meal.  We hosted a Thanksgiving gathering at my parents’ flat.  Seventeen of my friends joined us to see what Thanksgiving was all about.  We prepared a feast: appetizers, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, yams, corn, stuffing, rolls, pumpkin and cherry pies, and the native to Nebraska drink, Kool-Aid.  In total there were 7 Germans, 5 Americans, 3 French, 3 Belgians, 2 Scottish, and 1 Hong Konger.  As my friend Brenda told me, it was a “world class Thanksgiving!”  Before the meal we explained the history of Thanksgiving and some traditions that go along with it.  Then we chowed down!  The food must have been tasty, as very little food was leftover.  One of my friends claimed it was the first time he had truly been full since coming to Aberdeen.  The rest of the night was spent talking, laughing, and having a good time.  At one point the song “I’m a Little Teapot” was sung…I’m still not sure why. :)  The party wrapped up around 11:30 and a solid five hours of Thanksgiving festivities.  It was a great night and I’m so glad that my parents and Shawn could finally meet all the people I’ve gotten to know over the past few months.  I had a lot to be thankful for this year – getting this wonderful experience to study abroad in Scotland, having amazing friends both here and at home, having my parents and Shawn visit me, and the list could go on and on.  …  I’d love to know what you are thankful for!

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  • mom said,

    I’m thankful for my family and the chance to celebrate Thanksgiving in Aberdeen! 🙂

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